Choosing Fish

Fish from the sea should smell of seawater, not of fish. The eyes shoud be bright, almost alert, and the gills bright red.

Don't be afraid to prod and poke the fish before you buy it- it should be firm and tight, not soggy or flaky. Never buy pre-cooked shellfish, especially lobster or crayfish (crawfish). They must be alive and kicking. They should also feel heavy and dense.

It is wise to plan a fish meal in advance. Order your fish and then choose the recipe. This method will ensure that you will not have to compromise the dish by discovering at the last moment that you missed a vital ingredient or that the fish was unavailable.

People plan visits to the theatre and trips to the country well in advance, they dress up for the occasion and spend time and money to ensure a good time. You must take the same attitude to your fish cookery.


Cleaning Fish